The Spark of Sustainability:
The Story Behind Sustainable Flames

I grew up with a deep appreciation for nature, thanks to my father, who instilled in me the values of sustainability long before it became a popular term. We grew everything—zucchini, squash, okra, cucumbers, berries, tomatoes, peppers, corn, and greens. My father, having grown up poor, learned the practice of sustainability out of necessity. He washed out Ziploc bags to reuse them, collected rainwater, and fished and stored food. He was also an inventor, always finding creative ways to make do with what we had. One of his proudest creations was a lightbulb changer made from a broomstick, a Styrofoam cup, and a nail. As a child, I was embarrassed by it, but now I realize it was a testament to his resourcefulness—a survivor, a provider, an innovator.

These early experiences with my father rooted me in the earth and nurtured my love for it. This passion ultimately led me to create Sustainable Flames. Lighting a candle has always been a comforting ritual for me, but over time, I became increasingly aware of the waste it generated—those thick, heavy glass jars, beautiful but destined for the trash after just one use. The guilt I felt holding an empty jar, knowing it would take centuries to decompose, became too much to bear. That moment of hesitation at the trash can sparked an idea: What if we could create a candle that wasn’t just a fleeting luxury, but a sustainable statement?

Tracey Lynch, Founder

The concept of a reusable candle jar began to take shape—a candle that could be refilled and reused, reducing waste while preserving the beauty of the jar itself. This wasn’t just about a product; it was about starting a movement where every choice we make—from the candles we burn to the gifts we give—reflects our commitment to the planet. Sustainable Flames was born from this vision, creating not just candles, but a call to action for a more mindful, sustainable way of living.

Every time I see one of our candles burning in someone’s home, I’m reminded of my father’s legacy—the innovation and resilience he instilled in me. Sustainable Flames is lighting the way toward a brighter, more sustainable future, and I’m incredibly proud to carry forward the values my father taught me.

So here’s to all of you—those who love the planet, who are conscious of the impact of their choices, and who believe in the power of innovation to preserve our world. Together, we’re not just enjoying the glow of a candle; we’re illuminating a path to a brighter, more sustainable future. And that, to me, is the ultimate luxury.