Kickstarter is a popular crowdfunding platform that allows individuals and groups to bring their creative projects to life by raising funds from a community of backers. If you are new to Kickstarter here is a summary:

  1. Crowdfunding Platform: Kickstarter is an online platform designed to help creators fund their innovative and creative projects. These projects can range from art and music albums to tech gadgets and films.
  2. Project Funding: Creators set a funding goal for their project, which represents the amount of money they need to bring their idea to fruition. They also specify a deadline for reaching this goal.
  3. Backer Support: People who are interested in seeing the project become a reality can become backers by pledging money to the campaign. Backers often receive rewards or incentives in return for their support, which can include early access to the product, exclusive merchandise, or acknowledgments in the project.
  4. All-or-Nothing Model: Kickstarter operates on an “all-or-nothing” model. This means that if a project doesn’t reach its funding goal by the specified deadline, no money changes hands, and the project does not move forward. However, if the goal is met or exceeded, the project receives the pledged funds, and the creator can proceed with their plans.
  5. Variety of Projects: Kickstarter hosts a wide variety of projects, spanning the creative spectrum. You can find projects related to technology, design, fashion, games, music, publishing, and more.
  6. Global Community: Kickstarter has a global community of backers and creators. Anyone with an idea and a compelling project can use the platform, and backers come from all over the world.
  7. Transparency and Communication: Kickstarter encourages transparency in project updates and communication between creators and backers. Creators are expected to keep their backers informed about the project’s progress and any challenges they encounter along the way.
  8. Risks and Rewards: Backing a Kickstarter project carries some level of risk. Projects may not always deliver on their promises, and there’s no guarantee of success. However, many backers find fulfillment in supporting innovative ideas and being a part of a project’s journey.  It is important to remember that many projects are in the start up phase and as such it may take weeks to months to have the product delivered.  Each creator will outline expected delivery dates.
  9. Legal and Accountability: Kickstarter has guidelines and policies in place to ensure accountability. Creators are legally obligated to fulfill their obligations to backers, and Kickstarter can intervene in cases of fraud or mismanagement.
  10. Community and Impact: Kickstarter is not just about funding; it’s about building a community around creative ideas and bringing unique projects to life. It has had a significant impact on the creative industries by providing an alternative funding model.